Sunday, February 24, 2008

Continous learning.... at over 50

I had yesterday a conversation with my mom in which she was asking me "Who is leaving and where?" ... And I had no ideea what she was talking about... And then she continued: "I read that a friend of yours is leaving"...

And I realised that:

- 1 year and a half ago (whilw I was in CEED in Vienna) my mother used e-mail for the first time
- 1 month ago she surprised me by contacting me through gmail chat (and ever since then every night we chat instead of talk on the phone)
- yesterday she started reading my blog :)

I wonder what is next... Having her own blog? A facebook account? :)

Still, I have to admit that she is improving continously in the virtual world.


This is the response that I received... Take it as a comment:

"blog-ul`il`citesc de la inceput de acum o luna . normal k incerc sa tin pasul sau sa ma informez cit pot (ca si volum si cit pot intelege)"

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A special friend...

.. that is leaving soon...

Again a close friend that is leaving.. Again the same destination..

But this is not the most important thing right now, because no matter the distance we will still be close.. We proved this to ourselves during the past months.

What made me start this post was a message that I received a few minutes ago.. And it comes from the same person, that for the last year has been a real support for me in different aspects of my life.. (and I still remember the first time I saw this person and my first impression :) which was not positive at all)

A message with "i trust you", "good luck", "i love you" or "congratulations" from this special person, always made the day. And today, another message came: "No man or woman in this world deserves your tears, and the person who deserves them, will never make you cry" - Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Thanks a lot! I never cried because of you :)


In time...

I was thinking yestarday about this quote that I found in my inbox two years ago.. And I decided to loo for it and post it... for better decisions and for thoughts and feelings transmitted at the right moment.

Take advantage of it and whatever suits you, put it into practice.

"Dupa un anumit timp, omul invata sa perceapa diferenta subtila intre a
sustine o mana si a inlantui un suflet, si invata ca amorul nu inseamna a
te culca cu cineva si ca a avea pe cineva alaturi nu e sinonim cu starea
de siguranta, si asa, omul incepe sa invete... ca saruturile nu sunt
contracte si cadourile nu sunt promisiuni, si asa omul incepe sa-si
accepte caderile cu capul sus si ochii larg deschisi, si invata sa-si
construiasca toate drumurile bazate in astazi si acum, pentru ca terenul
lui "maine" este prea nesigur pentru a face planuri... si viitorul are mai
mereu o multime de variante care se opresc insa la jumatatea

Si dupa un timp, omul invata ca daca e prea mult, pana si caldura cea
datatoare de viata a soarelui, arde si calcineaza. Asa ca incepe sa-si
planteze propria gradina si-si impodobeste propriul suflet, in loc sa mai
astepte ca altcineva sa-i aduca flori, si invata ca intradevar poate
suporta, ca intradevar are forta, ca intradevar e valoros, si omul invata
si invata ... si cu fiecare zi invata.
Cu timpul inveti ca a sta alaturi de cineva pentru ca iti ofera un viitor
bun, inseamna ca mai devreme sau mai tarziu vei vrea sa te
intorci la trecut.
Cu timpul intelegi ca doar cel care e capabil sa te iubeasca cu
defectele tale, fara a pretinde sa te schimbe, iti poate aduce toata
fericirea pe care ti-o doresti. Iti dai seama cu timpul ca daca esti
alaturi de aceasta persoana doar pentru a-ti intovarasi singuratatea, in
mod inexorabil vei ajunge sa nu mai vrei sa o vezi.
Ajungi cu timpul sa intelegi ca adevaratii prieteni sunt numarati, si ca
cel care nu lupta pentru ei, mai devreme sau mai tarziu se va vedea
inconjurat doar de false prietenii.

Cu timpul inveti ca vorbele spuse intr-un moment de manie, pot continua
tot restul vietii sa faca rau celui ranit.
Cu timpul inveti ca a scuza e ceva ce poate face oricine, dar ca a ierta,
asta doar sufletele cu adevarat mari o pot face.
Cu timpul intelegi ca daca ai ranit grav un prieten, e foarte probabil ca
niciodata prietenia lui nu va mai fi la aceeasi intensitate.
Cu timpul iti dai seama ca desi poti fi fericit cu prietenii tai, intr-o
buna zi vei plange dupa cei pe care i-ai lasat sa plece.
Cu timpul iti dai seama ca fiecare experienta traita alaturi de fiecare
fiinta, nu se va mai repeta niciodata.
Cu timpul iti dai seama ca cel care umileste sau dispretuieste o fiinta
umana, mai devreme sau mai tarziu va suferi aceleasi umilinte si
dispret, dar multiplicate, ridicate la patrat.
Cu timpul inveti ca grabind sau fortand lucrurile sa se petreaca, asta va
determina ca in final, ele nu vor mai fi asa cum sperai.
Cu timpul iti dai seama ca in realitate, cel mai bine nu era viitorul, ci
momentul pe care-l traiai exact in acel moment.
Cu timpul vei vedea ca desi te simti fericit cu cei care-ti sunt
imprejur, iti vor lipsi teribil cei care mai ieri erau cu tine si acum
s-au dus si nu mai sunt...
Cu timpul vei invata ca incercand sa ierti sau sa ceri iertare, sa spui ca
iubesti, sa spui ca ti-e dor, sa spui ca ai nevoie, sa spui ca vrei sa fii
prieten, dinaintea unui mormant, nu mai are nici un sens.

Dar din pacate, se invata doar cu timpul..."

Jorge Luis Borges

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2008 until now... and still going on

No real post since December... But starting with yesterday I have my laptop again :) so I can post again...

So what happened from December 2007 until now?

Well finally I went home but it didn't feel like home because I had to finish my MC application until the 28th of December. Plus, on the Christmas Day my laptop crashed... So my stay at home was not the most pleasant one...

Still I had some beautiful moments with my friends while singing carols and exchanging presents. Plus I had other moments that made me smile or feel really happy.

And after only one week (even less) I had to leave Oradea again... and I went to spend my New Year's Eve in the North East of the country, with a lot of my @ colleagues. Fun, sleepless nights and most important, a big smile on my face at midnight (yes yes, just as I promised myself).

MCC 2008... My voice trembeling, my powerpoint presentation being upside down, me going to sleep at 6 o'clock in the morning and setting my alarm to ring at 6:30... What should I mention from this experience? Well, maybe the snow thrown on my head (which meant the vote of confidence) and the support I received from friends that were close or far away...


Again Vienna... with my EB colleagues (we started our term in Vienna and most probably we will all end it together in Vienna). In between we decided to go again to Vienna :) and it was fun, combined with sickness, coldness combined with hotness, happiness combined with disapopointment, good food combined with shopping :)

All in all I had a good time with all my colleagues and with my dear friend Ale, who standed me during my stay in Vienna and who even got sick because of me... Officially, forgive me :)

Final resulta from MCC. The team is : Mickey - MCP, Cata - MC VP Projects, Topper - MC VP ER and me, MC VP Finance (all of us in @ Romania for the term 2008-2009)... During the next two days we are expecting to find out who are our other 3 colleagues...

After a lot of fun and good moments, I had to have some unpleasant moments: school... Not so many details about my results but about my resolution: this semester school will be important)

And since, every day starts today, TODAY I went to school for the first time this semester (or should I say year, or should I say school year?? :) ) And it was very very nice and I will continue to go there for this semester until I graduate... THIS YEAR... and it's a must at this point!!!

Soon a school freak :)